Visit The Heritage Village
Where History Comes to Life

Sugar House
The Sugar House was operated on a nearby farm. Contains early tree tapping equipment, wooden yokes and wooden carrying buckets, large vat for boiling down sap to syrup and various containers. Outside is an oxen drawn sled with large tub for gathering the sap during the snowy winters.

Carriage House
The Carriage House is a 125 foot long historic building that was moved to the museum grounds in May of 2005. It houses over 50 carriages, sleighs and wagons. One of the best carriage and sleigh collections in the Twin Tiers!

The “Little” Children’s Church
In 1937 a group of children transformed a chicken coop into a church. This church was featured in the April 17, 1939 issue of Life Magazine. It was moved to the museum grounds in 2007 with the original furnishings.

The Gregory Inn
The Gregory Inn was built in 1822 for stagecoach travelers between Elmira, NY and Williamsport, PA (north and south); and Athens, PA to Wellsboro, PA (east and west). In 1854 the New Central Railroad was built and its passengers used the Inn as well.

Dr. Campbell’s Office

General Store

Farm Museum
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Alparon Park
231 Gate 2 Lane
Troy, PA