The Little Church History circa 1930

The Little Church
Pictured here is Charlie Rockwell iold chicken coop that his grandfather had built. He was the n front of the pump organ in the Little Church.
The Little Church that he built was transformed from an pastor of the Little Church with his sister Jane serving as organist and his brother Jim serving as sexton. It was well attended by the local children. The church was featured in an edition of Life Magazine April 17, 1939.
The church building, which Charlie restored in the 1990’s can now be visited in Troy, Pennsylvania at the Heritage Village and Farm Museum.
The Little Church History circa 1930’s
The Little Church 2007
Just a simple little chapel
On top perches a little steeple, with a little cross. Inside stand little pews, alter, pulpit and pump organ (donated by Paul Starkey) .
Just a little sunshine flows through the little windows.
This is the…. The Little Church, it stood for years in Canton and hosted Sunday services. And the unique thing about it all was the Little Church’s congregation and pastor…. were little children.
Today the Little Church is part of the Heritage Village and Farm Museum, a gift from Charles Rockwell.
In the mid 1930’s, the Rockwell family shut down their mill’s waterwheel and took off, but saved, the wheel’s roof. Then someonebuilt a chicken coop under the roof, which later became the Little Church built by Charles and his friends. Charlie preachedSunday services to a congregation of children until he entered the service for World War II.
The Little Church was moved to the Village grounds by Steve Dziuba. Its surrounding flower beds are maintained by the Heritage Garden Club, Troy, Pa.