The Pennsylvania Heritage Festival
Antique Tools
Civil War Encampment
Living History
September 20 & 21, 2025
10:00am – 4:00pm
Pennsylvania Heritage Festival 2025 is a MUST SEE Event
Mark your calendars now for the 2025 Pennsylvania Heritage Festival featuring the historical buildings of
the Heritage Village, living–history demonstrations, exhibits, and hands-on activities, an outstanding
opportunity for an education into our past. Enjoy Craft and Direct Sales vendors as well as non-profit
organizations presenting their ‘mission.’ A Family oriented event with food , deserts and music by
Jacob Gilpin.
The central focus of the Heritage Village is the 1822 Gregory Inn, built to be a stage coach stop. The Carriage
House (circ 1880’s, is one of two remaining original Troy Fair buildings) houses an extensive collection of
horse drawn sleighs, buggies and wagons. Learn about how maple syrup is made at the Sugar House visit the
Children’s Church, Dr. Campbells Office and Porter’s Barber Shop. The Thomas One Room School will take
you back to an earlier era as will the General Store.
Browse the main museum, learn about the Civil Defense Disaster Hospital, and our newest exhibit the
reconstructed wooden silo and silo history, a walk through experience. Additional exhibits include: the tin
shop, blacksmith, PA Grange, textile, toys, and horse drawn farm equipment and much more.
The Pennsylvania Heritage Festival is held annually the 3rd weekend in September on the grounds of the
Heritage Village and Farm Museum, Alparon Park, Troy, PA.
Admission and Parking are FREE
Here is your chance to see the entire Heritage Village and Farm Museum at no admission cost. While in the village, we are highlighting the newest exhibit The Reconstructed Wooden Silo.
A Look at Past Festival Happenings
(click arrow below for slide show)

TOUR OUR Silo and See the Windmill- New in 2024
The Heritage Village and Farm Museum has two new displays for the 2024 season. You will want to bring your family to see these two gems. They will inspire your interest in the history of our regions silos and how windmills operate.
Pennsylvania Heritage Fesitval
New addition to the Heritage Village is this beautiful stone wall completed by Ken Ely of Good Neighbor Walls.
The PA Heritage Fesival promotes regional crafters, artisans, and agricultural producers from a variety of artistic disciplines, including broom making, photography, handmade jewelry, woodworkers, baked goods, and artwork of all types.

Doctor’s Office
Dobin awaits for the good doctor to finish examination of the patient who arrived via carriage from Windfall.

The Thomas One Room Schoolhouse was originally built around 1844.

Children’s Church
Charlie Rockwell and friends built this “Little” Children’s Church in 1937.

Carriage Museum
The Carriage House houses over 50 carriages, sleighs and wagons. One of the best carriage and sleigh collections in the Twin Tiers.

Sugar House
The Sugar House is the first building acquired by the Bradford County Heritage Association. It was originally operated on a nearby farm.

Farm Museum
The Farm Museum houses an extensive collection of rare farm inplements, tools and artifacts reflecting 200 years of the local agricultural heritage.