Farm Days 1866
One Room Schoolhouse
Shoulder Yoke to Carry Water
Farm Days 1866
May 13 & 14 2025
9:00am – 2:00pm
Open to Students in Bradford, Sullivan, Tioga PA counties – Public, Private and Home-Schooled 4th Grade Students

Farm Days 1866
Farm Days 1866 is a daylong presentation that follows the book Farmer Boy, by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Bringing the book to life with 40+ demonstrations and presentations.
BCHA’s mission is to preserve our agricultural heritage and educate. In pursuant of this goal we are inviting all area 4th grade public, private and home-schooled students to experience Farm Days 1866.
Sponsored by the Bradford County United Way, organizations and private individuals, there is no cost for this program. Having students read the book before coming to the program is a great way to maximize the students’ educational experience.
Important Notes:
1. We ask schools to provide a chaperone for each group of 10 students.
2. Student’s need to bring a bag lunch (suggestion: pack a lunch that reflect foods of 1866).
3. The press is invited and pictures will be taken.
4. We expect up to 400+ students a day. The program is the same both days.
Over 100 Volunteers Presenting Demonstrations/Hands-on Activities*
Hand Water Pump
Oxen Demo
Herb Garden
Baby Goats
Bessie the Cow
Wool to cloth
Shingle Making
Butter making
Jersey cow
Corn shelling
Post Office
Tin Knocker
Planting Potatoes
Furs, Textile demonstrations
Mini Fair Midway
Independence Day and Christmas Traditions
*Activities will vary each year

Planting a Vegetable Garden

Sheep Shearing

Travel by Stagecoach

Treadle Sewing Machine

Tin Knocker

Roof Shingles
For More Information
Please call or send us an email for more details and to reserve your students’ Farm Days 1866 experience.
Thank you.