2023 August Newsletter
This issue of the Heritage Village newsletter is a little bit of history and a little bit of what’s happening at the Village.

This issue of the Heritage Village newsletter is a little bit of history and a little bit of what’s happening at the Village.
This issue of the Heritage Village newsletter is a little bit of history and a little bit of what’s happening at the Village.
The Troy Chamber December of Commerce Banquet was held at the Troy Vets Club on Wednesday December 7. Lee Preston was Master of Ceremonies. Barbara Barrett was nominated and selected as Person of the Year for 2022.
“A Country Girl’, best describes Barrett. In January 1958, her parents moved from Readington, NJ to Columbia Cross Road, PA. The Hosea Wolfe farm came complete with dairy cows so chores became a daily necessity. That year the area experienced record snowfall, bringing with it hardships, but they soon experienced the thoughtfulness of their caring neighbors. Getting to school was an adventure, a caravan of three teams of horses with bobsleds took kids to school and milk cans to the creamery. Barrett atttributes her strong work ethic to growing up on the farm, wtih seasonal planting and harvest of the crops. In her free time, she pursued her love of horses.
Barrett’s employment history includes working on neighboring farms, being housekeeper at Troy Motel, store clerk at Cooke’s Drug Store, physical therapy aide at the Lock Haven Hospital prior to graduating from Lock Haven University.
In 1972 Barrett was instrumental in creating the Therapeutic Recreation Department at the Susque View Nursing Home and became its Director and later she obtained the same type of employment at the Divine Providence Hospital. Later she worked in the Mental Health In-Patient Unit and Outpatient Department, retiring from Lycoming/Clinton MH/MR as an Intensive Case Manager for the chronically mentally ill. Barrett’s passionate interests included being a Girl Scout leader for 12 years. a Relay for Life team member, crafts and crafts shows and more recently working with her sister, Deb Lutz, making homemade brooms using 1890s antique broom making equipment.
While in high school Barrett found history boring but visiting historical sistes and living history events much more engaging. Retirement presented an opportunity to pursue her interest in history and in 2010 became a volunteer at the Heritage Village and Farm Museum in Troy. Shortly thereafter she became a Bradford County Heritage Association (BCHA) board officer and leader/chair for events, recruitment and fundraising.
The Bradford County Heritage Association’s mission is to preserve the local farm heritage of the community for future generations. ‘Farm Days 1866″ is an education program for area 4th grade students and reaches more than 900 students this year.
Highlighting the museum, artifacts, utilizing demonstrations and displays, more than 100 volunteers help the students understand what life was like for a family on a farm in 1866. The Troy High School National Honor Society, FFA and 8th grade community service students have assisted with BCHA events.
On a personal level, Barrett has strived to include persons with mental and/or physical disabilities, providing opportunities for Copper Tree clients and high school students in the Serve Inc. program. Special attention is provided for schools attending ‘Farm Days’ to include their ‘special needs’ students.
Barrett credits the museum’s success to the many dedicated volunteers, community support and BCHA Board of Directors to be able to provide visitors a ‘peek into our past.’ Barret thanked the Chamber for this honor to be nominated as ‘2022 Person of the Year.’